Sainte-Catherine Waterfront Promenade

  • Urban Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Design
  • Strategies

An innovative and creatively mobilized development concept that anchors Ville de Sainte-Catherine to its waterfront character.

Sustainable actions

Health and well-being

Health and well-being

Socialization spaces

Active commuting

Local open-air spaces

Sports fields/play areas/training areas

Enhancement of natural environments

Justice, equity, diversity and inclusiveness

Justice, equity, diversity and inclusiveness

Participatory approach and codesign

Accessibility/universal and inclusive design

Access to nature

Greening and biodiversity

Greening and biodiversity


Existing vegetation conservation

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Green infrastructure/water management

Active and public transport

Looking to democratize the ideation process, Ville de Sainte-Catherine launched the “Esprit libre” ideas competition in 2016 for the development of its waterfront promenade. BC2 was mandated to extract the best of the ideas that emerged from the competition, while anchoring them in their environment and integrating them into a more global planning context. Following an extensive analysis, BC2 set out to evaluate the various proposals collected during the ideas competition.

The chosen concept resulted from a creative co-design process with the three winning teams and municipal representatives; this concept went beyond the landscape approach to the development of a true whole city project. From this process, BC2 developed a clear vision of development intentions that was transposed into a master plan with a long-term intervention strategy. This vision then led to the elaboration of an overall plan and a functional program. An implementation plan, including costs and priorities for intervention, was also produced to create an operational master plan for development that could be easily implemented by municipal officials.

The final concept is intended to be exemplary in terms of best practices in sustainable development and integrates innovative solutions, particularly with regard to water management. The integration of a shared path to reach the Récré-o-parc, the creation of a floating promenade, the establishment of a network of unique plazas and public squares, and the creation of floating islands, service docks and observatories are among the elements that make up the identity of this project.

The overall concept allows for the emergence of a strong axis rich in distinctive public spaces, an effective way to bring the community into contact with its waterfront, with original landscaping that contributes to the influence of the City beyond its territory.

Data sheet

Ville de Sainte-Catherine
Year of execution


  • Urban Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Design
  • Strategies

Services provided

  • Sustainable Development
  • Planning and regulation
  • Planning
  • Parks and green spaces
  • Master Plan
  • Acceptance and public consultation