Saint-Lambert Urban Plan

  • Urban Planning
  • Urban Design
Ville de Saint-Lambert

An urban plan that brings together respect for the environment, economic vitality, and social cohesion to establish a distinctive urban framework for the City of Saint-Lambert.

Sustainable actions

Health and well-being

Health and well-being

Combating heat islands

Socialization spaces

Promoting an active lifestyle

Active commuting

High-quality living environments

Human-scale neighbourhoods

Conservation of built and natural heritage

Enhancement of natural environments

Reduced environmental footprint

Reduced environmental footprint


Urban densification

Motorized computing reduction

Critical mass for community services

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Active and public transport

Densification and mixed use

Adapting to climate change

As part of the revision of its urban planning by-laws, the City of Saint-Lambert was looking to adopt a new urban plan that reflected the municipal council’s desire to position sustainable development as a priority. It also wanted to provide itself with the planning and development tools needed to give concrete form to the vision that emerged from the “Saint-Lambert 2035” participatory process.

The Urban Plan has opted for an approach based on living environments, since these play a strategic role linking the scale of the project with major territorial orientations. In addition to the traditional territory level development strategy, the Urban Plan proposed a development strategy at the living environment level based on the “city of short distances” concept. This concept strongly emphasises the challenges posed by active mobility and the definiing role it can play in the organisation of the municipal territory and everyday life. In concrete terms, these are complete living environments, developed according to the principles of compactness, mixed use, proximity and sustainable mobility, while respecting the City’s identity components.

The Urban Plan also included a new Special Planning Program (SPP) for the Saint-Charles sector, an area undergoing a major transformation, where industrial land is gradually giving way to residential developments. Its location near the commuter train station and downtown Saint-Lambert also made the site well suited to this type of use. Ultimately, the SPP’s development vision seeks to consolidate the living environment by connecting the various points of interest through a structured active network, which will make it possible to reestablish links on both sides of the railway. In this way, it will be possible to ensure accessibility to everyday activities, such as employment, shops, services and quality public spaces, in the vicinity of residences. The vision also focuses on the potential of urban agriculture to encourage citizens to buy healthy, local food, while promoting community mobilization and social cohesion.

Data sheet

Ville de Saint-Lambert
Year of execution


  • Urban Planning
  • Urban Design

Services provided

  • Sustainable Development
  • Planning and regulation

Awards received

Ordre des urbanistes du Québec
Selected in the directory of best practices in urban planning - Sustainable Development