L’Assomption TOD Area

  • Urban Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Design
  • Strategies
Aire TOD Assomption

A specific urban planning program aimed at creating a complete and attractive living environment around an agricultural technology innovation hub.

Sustainable actions

Health and well-being

Health and well-being

Food security

Socialization spaces

Promoting an active lifestyle

Active commuting

High-quality living environments

Human-scale neighbourhoods


Justice, equity, diversity and inclusiveness

Justice, equity, diversity and inclusiveness

Accessibility/universal and inclusive design

Greening and biodiversity

Greening and biodiversity


Green roofs

Reduced environmental footprint

Reduced environmental footprint

Public transport

Industrial ecology

Urban densification

Motorized commuting reduction

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Resilience and adaptation to climate change

Active and public transport

Densification and mixed use


Economic vitality

Economic vitality

Job creation/perpetuation

Circular economy

In anticipation of the upcoming arrival of a commuter train station, Ville de L’Assomption entrusted BC2 with the development of the Special Planning Program (SPP) aimed at planning this key city sector’s densification.

Identified as a TOD (transit-oriented development) area in the Metropolitan Planning and Development Plan (MPDP), the detailed planning sector is located immediately west of L’Assomption’s downtown core. It covers an area of approximately 130 hectares, within a one-kilometre radius of the multimodal transportation hub, which is within the municipality’s urbanization perimeter. It’s also part of the MRC’s economic recovery strategy following the closure of the Electrolux plant.

The development vision aims to take advantage of the sector’s enviable urban context, which has great development potential due to its immediate proximity to the future intermodal transportation hub and the downtown core. To achieve this, Ville de L’Assomption is turning to green technologies and positioning itself to create a true multifunctional TOD district, which relies on the integration of an innovative and unifying project: the “Agtech Zone”.

The Agtech Zone is an innovation, strategic networking, knowledge and business acceleration area that brings together the entire new agriculture technology ecosystem (energy transfer, aquaponics, greenhouse farming, vertical agriculture, smart farming, etc.). This business and development hub allows for the requalification of vacant industrial land and is harmoniously linked to its urban environment, ensuring the vitality of the downtown core as well as the consolidation and maintenance of an attractive residential living environment.

To this end, the urban development must affirm the Agtech Zone’s innovative character and be resolutely focused on the integration of sustainable development principles such as the fight against heat islands, the construction of high energy performance buildings and the sustainable management of run-off water.

The SPP for L’Assomption TOD area focuses on the intensification of activities near the multimodal transportation hub through the creation of a high-density mixed-use area that will consolidate the urban fabric and offer complementary uses to support industrial functions. The revitalization of the sector also involves the creation of a defining active network linking the various centres of interest, with the intermodal transport hub as the point of convergence.

Ultimately, the development vision aims to create a complete and attractive living environment, focusing on the mix and complementarity of activities, the quality of the built environment, the enhancement of public spaces and sustainable mobility.

Data sheet

Ville de l’Assomption
Year of execution


  • Urban Planning
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Design
  • Strategies

Services provided

  • Sustainable Development
  • Planning and regulation
  • Planning
  • Master Plan

Awards received

Grands Prix du Design
Urban Design / TOD Project : Gold Certification
Ordre des urbanistes du Québec
Selected in the directory of best practices in urban planning - Sustainable Development